Inspired by Grunt, sprockets and Make.
Leverage the power of build-tools, with Java as the only dependency.
Generate and share beautiful text excerpts (as images) on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.
Generate a MD5 checksum from a string.
Client-side only, works offline aswell.
Works with IPv4 and IPv6.
Available as HTML, XML and JSON.
Also includes X-Forwarded-For headers, if present.
This extension overrides the default chrome://newtab
and let's you completely customize it.
Basic application showing the phone's UID.
We need this sometimes at work, so it is awesome if you have it right here in a small, adfree app.
Convert datetime to a unix timestamp or vice versa.
Install fonts on Windows™ 7, Windows™ 8 and Windows™ 10 fonts without Administrator access/rights.
A plugin for Wordpress that lets you specify which posts should be omitted by crawlers.
Use Google Spreadsheets to create (JSON) translation files.
Easy to use for the average Jane/Joe and makes programmers happy.